Research Help: Genesis Imagery in Pauline Thought
OK, I met with my academic advisor and I have a better idea of what the next steps will be toward my ThM thesis. First, I need to ask the blogging community for some recommendations! Does anyone know...
View ArticleDouglas Moo on Eschatology and Ecology
I found this lecture by Douglas Moo to be a very balanced, biblical approach to the question of modern ecology, creation care, and eschatology. Listen here. Filed under: Audio/Video, Christian Theology...
View ArticleFilm: Creation: How Darwin Saw the World and Changed It Forever
This evening I watched the film Creation: How Darwin Saw the World and Changed It Forever starring Paul Bettany and Jennifer Connelly. The storyline focuses on Charles Darwin’s internal battle to avoid...
View ArticleWednesday with Wright: God has the Last Word
It has been through the writings of N.T. Wright that I have come to see the central importance of the doctrine of resurrection. The whole scheme of Christianity rises and falls on the belief that God...
View ArticleRecommend Books or Articles on Paul’s Reading of Gen. 1-3
I’ve asked this once before but I thought I’d ask it again in case it results in more responses: Does anyone have any recommendations as regards either books and/or articles on the subject of how Paul...
View ArticleAl Mohler v. BioLogos
Paul Bruggink suggested that I address the war of words between Al Mohler and The BioLogos Foundation. I have not paid enough attention to say anything interesting but since it is a hot-topic it...
View ArticleBioLogos to Debate Intelligent Design Representatives
My friend Scott Lencke informed me that BioLogos has agreed to debate some representatives from The Discovery Institutes on the topic of evolution. It will be hosted at the The Vibrant Dance...
View ArticleWell, that settles the Creation-Evolution debate!
So, you may have been wondering how Moses knew the details to the six days of creation. There is an answer and it should finally put this silly Creation-Evolution debate to rest: “And the angel of the...
View ArticleThought from the Ancient World: Epicurean naturalism
The debate over whether or not a god or gods were involved in the creation of the earth is not a debate that began with Darwin. In Cicero’s On the Gods, I. 53 (trans. P.G. Walsh, p. 21), Gaius Velleius...
View ArticleBook Review: Edward W.H. Vick’s Creation: The Christian Doctrine.
Vick, Edward W. H., Creation: The Christian Doctrine (Gonzalez: Energion Publications, 2012). ( This book is a companion volume to Herold Weiss’ Creation in Scripture (read my review here)....
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